Our Android App!

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You can type easier with one-hand !

AEI Keyboard
English !

Now We stop to sell this App.

Watch at YouTube Site

Android 日本語のページへ

Update : 29 Mar 2019
What is AEI Hand Keyboard

You can type easier with one-hand !

Good about AEI Keyboard

This App used to sell as "1 Hand Keyboard"
OS REQUIREMENT: above Android OS xxx
1 Hand Keyboard Icon
1 Hand Keyboard
for English
1Hand Keyboard ABC
AEI Keyboard

1Hand Keyboard 123
Number (123) Keyboard

1Hand Keyboard Other
Other Keyboard
1Hand Keyboard Smile
FaceMark Keyboard
at "Messaging" App.
To Add Keyboard
Setting>Local & text
check "1HandKeyboard"
When you input, press Text field for while, and Menu is appear.
And choose "Input Method" and select "1HandKeyboard"
Add Keyboard
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